The Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club is based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia, but has members in many other parts of Australia. The Club consists of a group of enthusiastic people intent on furthering the interests of Amateur Radio and electronics.

A big thank you to all who supported SUNFest 2024.
We hope to see you again soon.

Amateur Radio Exams

Interested in getting an Amateur Radio Licence?
Want to get an Amateur Radio Operators Licence?  The club can provide some assistance with study and practical help in most areas of the hobby.  We have workshops, guest speakers and experimenters’ activities that you can join in. Why not get skills in sending and receiving CW (morse code)?

We may also be able to assist Amateurs who want to dust off their CW skills and be given tuition aiming for hands on “on air” QSOs.

Want to sit an the exam for an Amateur Radio Operators Licence?
If you wish to study or to sit for an Amateur Radio Licence exam
or maybe upgrade your current licence, please c
ontact the Secretary for more information.
How do I get an Amateur Radio Licence?
To get an Amateur Radio licence you will need to pass a theory test and a regulations test.  If you don’t already have the radio and electronics knowledge, you may need to read and study relevant information.  There are a number of options for this.  You can make use of the Ham Radio Theory course provided by SCARC (with special thanks to Tony, VK4KKY), or the club can provide a Foundation Manual (produced by the WIA) for a small cost.  Contact the secretary for more information.
SCARC Constructors Group
If you have any interest in electronics or constructing electronic or amateur projects, click here to follow their progress.  For further information contact the secretary.
Club Nets
Join us for our Good Morning net at 8:15am every morning, every day on our 2m repeaters.

Our monthly club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the new time of 7:00pm.  You can also join via Zoom.  To get the link or check attendance, contact the Secretary prior to the meeting.

Wednesday Gatherings
The club is open on Wednesdays, from 10am to 2pm. Some refreshments and lunch options are available.
For further information, please contact the Secretary.

Club Nets are conducted on the following frequencies and times
2 m FM 146.850/146.825/146.975 MHz 8:15am Daily
2 m SSB 144.3 MHz 7:30pm Sunday
70 cm FM 438.075 MHz 7:30pm Monday
80 m LSB 3.665 MHz 7:30pm Wednesday
10 m USB 28.475 MHz After 80m Net Wednesday
6 m FM 53.7 MHz 7:30pm Friday
SSTV 146.850/146.825/146.975 MHz 7:15pm Saturday